Windfarm Operations

Active Windfarm DPR Logging

Windfarm Operations

CrewSmart has extensive knowledge and experience in this sector.


CrewSmart has developed a platform that can adapt to each sector dependant on its particular requirements and also based on each companies specific individual USP's.

We have specific modules dedicated to ease the burden of simplifying/removing paperwork entirely. 

Crew Qualifications

  • Only allows qualified personel by default onto your vessels.
  • Notifications at predefined intervals of expiries.
  • Crew manage their own profile feeing up office time.
  • Easily setup your Certification requirements depending on Role, Vessel or Contract.

Dedicated Daily Progress Report (DPR)

Allow crew to record daily activities onboard the vessel in a simple easy to use manner. 

  • Record Push Ons to preloaded wind farm turbines to automate reporting and KPI's. Need a report based on Time on Turbine for Vessel X for the Month of December - No problem!
  • Pax's Transfers - Record who went up/down. When/Why/Where. 
  • Equipment
  • Fuel Used
  • Turbine Cleaning
  • Push On Tests
  • Export or email the report direct to your client.


We include the majority of UK and EU windfarms preloaded into the system including:

  • Technical information
  • Individual Turbine Lat/Long
  • Site Contact Details
  • Operating Port


We also include most of the Worlds Ports with preloaded information including:

  • Images of port
  • Local facilities
  • Port contact details

Loved by business and individuals across the globe.

"We were apprehensive about using a company based in another time zone, however we were pleasantly surprised. The Support from CrewSmart has been exceptional from the initial onboarding phase to supporting our day-to-day operations."

CrewSmart is a fantastic management tool that now forms the basis for our entire operation, from personnel and fleet management to financial administration. The system has already helped us to cement our leading position in a highly competitive market – and we look forward to working with CrewSmart to further enhance our operational standards.

CrewSmart’s System is a convenient solution for fleet, crew, vessels and project management. It lets us easily track any issues and makes sure the whole fleet can work efficiently. If we have any questions, the support team always reply quickly and get us sorted. Our company is very glad to use the CrewSmart system and will continue to use it.

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