DNV Awards Type Approval For CrewSmart's Planned Maintenance System

Press Releases

Christian Adams
Christian Adams
DNV Flag

CrewSmart, the end-to-end management system for compliant, effective maritime operations, today announces that it has secured Type Approval for its Planned Maintenance System (PMS) from leading class and certification society, DNV.

CrewSmart PMS simplifies and streamlines asset maintenance processes for its fleet managers, to improve equipment efficiency, reduce costs, and prevent the risk of breakdowns or defects on assets in operation. The certification provides CrewSmart’s asset management customers with confidence that CrewSmart’s PMS offering has been assessed and approved to DNV’s well-established and rigorous standards.

Safety and compliance are paramount concerns in asset management, critical in equal measure in enabling both the fleet and its crew to operate at full capacity. Planning appropriate maintenance schedules is essential to maintaining these conditions, yet the current shortage of yard space is creating obstacles for asset managers – and any delays to their schedules increases the risk of defects and breakdowns in operation

To effectively prioritise management challenges within this landscape, maritime organisations need to utilise their operational data to attain complete oversight of their operations. A solution which provides full visibility of critical operational activity on one platform offers the most effective means of driving efficiencies for fleet managers.

CrewSmart PMS employs estimated operational data to recommend the most appropriate maintenance schedules for assets and components, ensuring continued safe and compliant operation across the fleet. The platform also uses historical maintenance data to estimate costs for future maintenance and repair schedules, generating a full overview of maintenance requirements and commitments, and giving more control to the asset manager in organising and forecasting future maintenance.

Introduced as part of a significant update to CrewSmart’s wider software platform, “CrewSmart 2.0”, the system is already generating key benefits for customers. Max Perry, HSEQ Manager and DPA, Dalby Offshore, commented: “We use CrewSmart PMS to map out our service timelines based on time and engine hours, we look forward to it tracking inventory of all our supplies. The data has enabled us to make our service and maintenance processes much smoother and quicker, and gives us clear maintenance records to use as evidence in our audits."

“We’re also able to use the system for monitoring all other maintenance checks like fire, electronics, hydraulics, deck, and to measure engine hours and fuel consumption, meaning we can also monitor our carbon footprint, and as the interface can be used by crews on- and off-shore via the tablet app, our crews are empowered to take ownership of upholding safety and compliance cross the business.”

Speaking on the certification, Christian Adams, Managing Director, CrewSmart, said: “Maritime businesses face considerable challenges amid transforming regulations, as well as increased focus on balancing technical and environmental performance – all of which builds a convincing case for the improved utilisation of data to address, and respond effectively to, the changing landscape.

“CrewSmart develops its solutions specifically to help its customers maintain full operational capacity and compliance, enabling them to manage and deploy their resources to best effect and keep assets healthier for longer. Securing DNV type approval for CrewSmart PMS is a real feather in our cap, confirming to all our customers that our systems comply with the highest standards of quality across the industry.”

Thomas Knödlseder, Principal Engineer, DNV Maritime, said: “Effective maintenance planning and execution can be an essential factor in maintaining safe and efficient operations and reliable PMS software is the foundation that enables this. Having DNV class type approval builds confidence and demonstrates that the system has been assessed to industry leading standards.

“I would also like to thank CrewSmart for their excellent cooperation. The team was very responsive and additionally, have developed an interface that enables future users to share class maintenance data easily with DNV via our Machinery Maintenance Connect (MMC) solution.”